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张毅祥 副教授

作者:    来源:    日期:2014-05-22

  张毅祥,男,1984年生,河南洛阳人。现为北京理工大学管理与经济学院副教授,硕士生导师。2010年分别获得中国科学技术大学(管理科学与工程专业)和香港城市大学(信息系统专业)博士学位。研究领域为资源与环境管理,管理信息系统,在企业节能减排,居民节能减排,电子商务,知识管理等方面,开展了一系列研究。在Energy Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Applied Energy, Decision Support Systems, Information & ManagementSCI/SSCI国际期刊上发表论文15篇,并且多次参加国际学术会议。
  主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,教育部人文社会科学基金项目,博士后科学基金一等资助项目,北京理工大学基础研究基金项目,北京理工大学优秀青年教师资助计划择优资助项目,参与973 课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等项目。中国双法研究会能源经济与管理分会理事。Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Information Management等国际期刊同行审稿人。



E-mail: isyxzhang@bit.edu.cn


[1]Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang, Guanghui Zhou, 2014, “Determinants of employee electricity saving: The role of social benefits, personal benefits and organizational electricity saving climate”, Journal of Cleaner Production,66, 280-287 (SCI)
[2]Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang, Guanghui Zhou, 2013,“Antecedents of employee electricity saving behavior in organizations: An empirical study based on norm activation model”, Energy Policy, 62, 1120–1127. (SCI)
[3]Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang, Guanghui Zhou, 2013,“Determinants and implications of employee electricity saving habit: An empirical study in China”, Applied Energy, 112, 1529–1535. (SCI)
[4]Yixiang Zhang, Yulin Fang, Kwok-Kee Wei, Elaine Ramsey, Patrick McCole, Huaping Chen, 2011,“Repurchase intention in B2C e-commerce-A relationship quality perspective”, Information & Management, 48(6), 192-200. (SCI/SSCI)
[5]Yixiang Zhang, Yulin Fang, Kwok-Kee Wei, Wei He, 2013,“Cognitive elaboration during wiki use in project teams: An empirical study”, Decision Support Systems, 55(3), 792–801(SCI)
[6]Yixiang Zhang, Yulin Fang, Kwok Kee Wei, Huaping Chen, 2010, “Exploring the Role of Psychological Safety in Promoting the Intention to Continue Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Communities”, International Journal of Information Management, 30(5), 425-436. (SSCI)
[7]  Yixiang Zhang, Yulin Fang, Kwok-Kee Wei, Zhaohua Wang, 2012, “Promoting the intention of students to continue their participation in e-learning systems: The role of the communication environment”, Information Technology & People, 25(4), 356 - 375 (SSCI) 
[8]Zhaohua Wang, Zhongmin Yang, Yixiang Zhang, Jianhua Yin, 2012, “Energy technology patents–CO2 emissions nexus: An empirical analysis from China”, Energy Policy, 42, 248-260. (SCI)
[9]Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Yixiang Zhang, 2011,“Determinants and policy implications for household electricity-saving behaviour: Evidence from Beijing, China”,Energy Policy, 39, 3550–3557. (SCI)
[10]Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Yixiang Zhang, 2012, “Determinants of public acceptance of tiered electricity price reform in China: Evidence from four urban cities”, Applied Energy, 91(1), 235-244. (SCI)
[11]Zhao-Hua Wang, Hua-Lin Zeng, Yi-Ming Wei, Yi-Xiang Zhang, 2012, “Regional total factor energy efficiency: An empirical analysis of industrial sector in China”, Applied Energy, 97, 115–123. (SCI).
[12]Zhaohua Wang, Fangchao Yin, Yixiang Zhang, Xian Zhang, “An empirical research on the in?uencing factors of regional CO2 emissions: Evidence from Beijing city, China”, Applied Energy, 100, 277–284. (SCI)
[13]Zhaohua Wang, Zhongmin Yang, Yixiang Zhang, 2012, “Relationships between energy technology patents and CO2 emissions in China: An empirical study”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 4(3). (SCI)
[14] Xi Zhang, Patricia Ordonez De Pablos, Yixiang Zhang, 2012, “The relationship between incentives, explicit and tacit knowledge contribution in online engineering education project”, International Journal of Engineering Education, 28(6), 1341-1346. (SCI) 
[15]Guanghui Zhou, William Chung, Yixiang Zhang, 2013, “Measuring energy ef?ciency performance of China’s transport sector: A data envelopment analysis approach”, Expert Systems with Applications, 41(2), 709–722. (SCI)