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张斌 助理教授

作者:    来源:    日期:2014-06-27

  张斌(1987-),北京理工大学管理与经济学院助理教授,北京理工大学365bet日博备用网址研究成员。2014年毕业于北京理工大学管理与经济学院,获管理学博士学位,期间于2011年赴加拿大Dalhousie University访问学习一年;并于2015年获“香江学者计划”资助赴香港理工大学从事为期两年的博士后研究工作。主要从事循环经济、生态产业链、可持续消费行为方面的研究,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目各1项,博士后基金一等资助1项,博士后国际交流计划资助1项,并作为专题负责人承担了国家重点研发计划项目的研究工作。近年来,在国内外管理科学和能源经济等领域发表学术期刊论文20余篇,部分研究成果形成的政策咨询报告被国家行政职能部门采纳。目前为Journal of Cleaner ProductionApplied Energy等知名国际期刊的审稿人。



Zhaohua WangBin ZhangDabo Guan. Take responsibility for electronic-waste disposalNatureComment),2016.08.025367614):23~25.

Zhang B, Lai K H, Wang B, et al. Shareholder value effects of corporate carbon trading: Empirical evidence from market reaction towards Clean Development Mechanism in China. Energy Policy, 2017, 110:410-421.

Zhang, Bin, Zhaohua Wang, and Keehung Lai. Does Industrial Waste Reuse Bring Dual Benefits of Economic Growth and Carbon Emission Reduction?: Evidence of Incorporating the Indirect Effect of Economic Growth in China. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2016, 20 (6): 1306-1319.

Zhang, Bin, Zhaohua Wang, and Kee-hung Lai. 2015. Mediating effect of managers' environmental concern: Bridge between external pressures and firms' practices of energy conservation in China. Journal of Environmental Psychology 43:203-215.

Wang, Zhaohua, Bin Zhang, and Hualin Zeng. 2015. The effect of environmental regulation on external trade: empirical evidences from Chinese economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, in press

Wang, Zhaohua, Bin Zhang, and Tongfan Liu. 2016. Empirical analysis on the factors influencing national and regional carbon intensity in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55:34-42.

Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang. Inter-firm collaborations on carbon emission reduction within industrial chains in China: practices, drivers and effects on firms' performances. Energy Economics, 2014, 42(3):115-131.

Wang Z, Zhang B, Li G. Determinants of energy-saving behavioral intention among residents in Beijing: Extending the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2014, 6(5): 053127.

 Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang, Jianhua Yin, Lixia Su. CO2 emission reduction within Chinese iron & steel industry: practices, determinants and performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012, 33: 167-178.

Wang, Z., Feng C., Zhang, B. An empirical analysis of China's energy efficiency from both static and dynamic perspectives. Energy, 2014, 74(0): 322-330.

Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin. Determinants of public acceptance for tiered electricity price reform in China: Evidence from four urban cities. Applied Energy2012,91:235-244.

Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Yixiang Zhang. Determinants and policy implications for household electricity-saving behaviour: Evidence from Beijing, China. Energy Policy, Volume 39, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 3550-3557.

Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Xiang Zhang. Willingness and behavior towards e-waste recycling for residents in Beijing city, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 19, Issues 9-10, June-July 2011, Pages 977-984.

Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang. Determinants of the increased CO2 emission and adaption strategy in Chinese energy-intensive industry, Natural Hazards, 2012, 62: 17-30. 




[1] 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFA0602502),新气候变化经济学技术体系构建及综合应用研究,2016/07-2021/06,专题负责人


[3] 国家自然基金青年项目(71403021):基于共生关系的高耗能企业减排合作模式与协同策略研究

[4] 香江学者资助计划(XJ2014002):企业绿色供应链管理行为与绩效

[5] 中国博士后基金一等资助(2014M560051):供应链上企业碳减排合作行为意愿与影响机理研究




Email: zhangbin8706@163.com