
Author:ceep    Source:ceep    Date:2014-07-17


          Energy and Environmental policy issues play a pivotal role in the sustainable development of China, and reduction carbon emissions is one of China’s key strategies to address climate change.
          To this end, the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research (CEEP) at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) leverages on its multi-disciplinary faculties in science, engineering and humanities to conduct significant research to meet China’s demand for energy, and articulate climate change strategies and policies. The fields of research in CEEP include energy supply and demand, energy efficiency and conservation, energy market and carbon market, climate change and environmental issues, energy security and warning, energy modeling and system development, and agricultural emission reduction.
          CEEP aims to serve as a professional education center and platform for international exchange of expertise in energy economics and climate change. It believes in the pursuit of discovery through ethical knowledge creation. It endeavors to provide policy support for government’s decisions in energy and climate change issues.
          By focusing on academic research, faculty development and talent cultivation, CEEP intends to build a world-class center for energy economics and climate change policies. It aims to nurture a culture and environment that is conductive for innovative research.
          We warmly welcome experts to exchange views and knowledge on energy and environmental sustainability; and invite distinctive scholars to join the debate on energy and environmental policies, not only for China, but also for the world community.

    Yi.-Ming Wei

     Director of CEEP-BIT