Guest Editors:
Yi-Ming Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, China;Ke Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China;Hua Liao, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Guest editors:
Yong Geng; Yiming Wei; Manfred Fischedick; Lynn Price;Anthony Chiu;Philippine;Bin Chen.
Managing editor:
Jinyue Yan, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Malardalen University (MDU), Sweden.
(2015), Guest Editors:Yi-Ming Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Hirokazu Tatano, Disaster Prevention Research Institute,Japan
Ke Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Hua Liao, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Strategies for Low Carbon Energy Supply Systems
Guest Editors: (To be announced)
Climate Change Policy
Guest Editors:
Yi-Ming Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Rong-Gang Cong, Aarhus University, Denmark
Hua Liao, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Anders Branth Pedersen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Public Policies on Energy Development
Guest Editors: (To be announced)
Energy and Climate Policy Modeling
Guest Editors:
Zhimin Huang, Adelphi University;
Yi-Ming Wei, Ke Wang, Hua Liao, Beijing Institute of Technology.
Carbon Emissions and Air Pollution Control in the Course of China's Urbanization
Guest Editors:
Lancui Liu, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning
Qiaomei Liang, Beijing Institute of Technology
East Asian Energy System Management Challenges
Volume 2, Issue 2 (2013)
Guest Editors:
Yi-Ming Wei, Beijing Institute of Technology
Xunpeng Shi, Brunei National Energy Research Institute
Hua Liao, Beijing Institute of Technology